TO JOIN TEXT "HCSO" AND SEND TO "276-240-8787"
If you have not joined to receive the HCSO Text Alerts it's free and easy... Just Text "HCSO" and Send to "276-240-8787" and that's it. Your number is kept private. If you ever wanted to Opt out, all you need to do is reply "Stop" to any message. You may receive up to 30 messages per month. Some messages will be Sponsor related.
Note: If you join this text alert system your numbers are private. Messages from a Sheriff's Office using our System will be Identified so you know its an Official Text Alert. The Sheriff Alert System is private company providing tools, software, and digital media communication solutions to the local Sheriff. Our funding comes from local business sponsorships. The Sheriff Alert System is not a Government Agency, and is not funded by any Agency funds or Tax payer funds.